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около 7 чаcов назад



Лучший Отзыв swarlesbarkley overwatch confirmed review Проверенный отзыв
Platinum IV
Platinum III

He was really nice I played support and he was the jungler and we were roaming incredibly well together. Gave me small pointers and even applauded my play. We completed an entire Plat Division in just one day. Would highly recommend "nobody" to everyone. His graves is NASTY.

Команда Elo Boosters

Wow, awesome review. We are really happy that you enjoyed duoq boosting with "nobody"!

Лучший Отзыв Phooka overwatch confirmed review Проверенный отзыв
Silver II
Gold IV

Super friendly and really fast service and really cheap! 5 stars!!

Лучший Отзыв azircui overwatch confirmed review Проверенный отзыв
Platinum II
Platinum I

Sharpeim is super nice and hard carried my games.

Лучший Отзыв CJ overwatch confirmed review Проверенный отзыв
Bronze II
Gold III

BEST BOOSTER ON THIS SITE BY FAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUY HAD A 90%wr and responded nomater the time

Лучший Отзыв Impervious overwatch confirmed review Проверенный отзыв
Gold IV
Gold II

Good guy