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diamond 4
i main adc ( Mf , Jinx , luci,Kaisa , Varus,....). i was 1000lp in sever Viet Nam last season , and i master in rank OCe,
hace 3 meses
Not talkative but at least he got the job done fairly quickly.
Did a very good job, was very fast and helpful
Gotta admit my acc was pretty doomed , but thanks to this guy its all fixed . He wasnt talking much , but he completed the order within a week . Spectated his matches , and i gotta say he was absolute beast ADC . I give 4 stars , cuz i actually expected to be more talkative and explain to me what he was doing .
Completed it quite quickly, had some rough games (actually demoted) early on. But quickly recovered and had wonderful scores. My only wish is that they’d play champions that I selected/roles. But over all it was pretty good! Thank you so much!