Nombre D'examens:
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Hello guys, I'm 21 years old full time gamer. My main lane is jungle and my secondary is mid lane. I play league since season 3 where i have finished diamond. My higher peaks during the seasons are: Season 5 - challenger Season 6 - challenger with 2 accounts Season 7 - challenger eune and euw Season 8 - challenger and rank 2 in eune , challenger euw Season 9 - rank 1 in eune {higher peak} , challenger in euw and grandmaster in north america Season 10 - challenger in euw with 3 accounts
Il y a 11 mois
the bets , el mejor y rapido
Great guy, got me where I wanted to be very quickly. 10/10
Good job, easy to discuss if i had some questions :)
Excellent work ! Fast boost and really high win ratio ! Willing to answer any question and explain everything . I would recommend elo boosters for sure ! Thanks !
Très bien, je suis content du résultat.
Bon booster, un peu long mais c’est car j’ai demandé de jouer support donc compréhensible, Merci
Solid fast and super nice